Archive How to identify goal scoring ability in football The transfer market in football is a strange beast. For anyone who doesn't know how…Ian McHale & Łukasz SzczepańskiAugust 19, 2015
News Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue preview In a 2010 New York Times column, mathematician John Allen Paulos wrote about stories and…Brian TarranAugust 12, 2015
News Making mistakes, minimising error – June 2015 issue preview There are many opportunities for us to make wrong decisions in life – whether it…Brian TarranJune 16, 2015
Archive Official stats mask extent of domestic violence in the UK Research has found that the rate of violent crime is 60% higher than official statistics…Sylvia WalbyJune 15, 2015
Statistics bootcamp: estimating pi with R and Buffon’s needle Creative applications of statistics abound in virtually every discipline. But coming up with tangible examples…Eric WikaDecember 15, 2014
Archive House prices: statistics, politics and human behaviour ‘UK house prices rose by 8% in the year’ is the latest startling headline following…Oz FlanaganMay 30, 2014
Archive How involved are disabled people in the modern economy? Since today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, I want to highlight some…Dane KorverDecember 3, 2013
Archive What’s behind the awesome rise of Twitter? After Twitter was successfully floated on the New York Stock Exchange this November, its share…Oz FlanaganNovember 18, 2013
Archive Google wants to extend your life Can statistics save your life? Well, Google certainly thinks it can. Moreover, the company has…Carlos Alberto Gómez GrajalesSeptember 30, 2013
Archive Syrian chemical warfare: ‘Highly likely’ or ‘Compelling evidence’? Parliament has just voted not to join in a war. MPs were recalled from their…Julian ChampkinAugust 30, 2013
Archive Statistical tests: beads for furs? You have no doubt heard the legend about the Native American tribe being seduced by…Altea Lorenzo-ArribasAugust 16, 2013
News Refereeing the abusers of statistics Statistics being used to conveniently back-up a certain point of view or simply quoting false…Oz FlanaganAugust 14, 2013
Archive Migration statistics: ‘Unfit for purpose’? Official UK migration figures have been denounced. They are "little better than a best guess",…Julian ChampkinJuly 29, 2013
Archive Bernoulli and the foundations of statistics: can you correct a 300-year-old error? Ars Conjectandi is not a book that non-statisticians will have heard of, nor one that…Julian ChampkinJune 10, 2013
Archive George Box, (1919-2013): a wit, a kind man and a statistician ‘Essentially all models are wrong, but some are useful’. That quotation comes from George Box,…Julian ChampkinApril 4, 2013
Archive International Women’s Day: Gertrude Cox, the first lady of statistics Happy International Women's Day! If last week's article proved anything, it's that there are lot…Julian ChampkinMarch 8, 2013
Archive Can you name a female statistician? We read about statistics every day, be it the predicted winner of a football league,…Linda WijlaarsMarch 5, 2013
Archive Southwark Sapphire Unit – the worst rape statistics ever? Rape is probably the most under-reported crime that there is, for all sorts of understandable…Julian ChampkinFebruary 28, 2013
Archive RPI versus CPI: what’s the difference? Why does it matter? Will it make you poorer or richer? The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is topping the headlines in all the UK media…Julian ChampkinJanuary 10, 2013
Archive 2013: Year of Statistics, hospitals, cows, and living to 100 Happy New Year. Especially (for a statistical site) because 2013 is, officially, the International Year…Julian ChampkinJanuary 7, 2013