A more transparent way to estimate and report daily Covid-19 deaths Archive A more transparent way to estimate and report daily Covid-19 deathsPhoto by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash“How many people have died in recent days…Oliver Stoner and Theo EconomouMay 27, 2020
Why England’s daily reported Covid-19 deaths are not the number of people that have died in a day Archive Why England’s daily reported Covid-19 deaths are not the number of people that have died in a dayPhoto by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on UnsplashThe UK government provides an update during their…Kathryn LeemingMay 5, 2020
Covid-19 data: To age or not to age; to date or not to date? Archive Covid-19 data: To age or not to age; to date or not to date?Pandemic swine-flu, which emerged from Mexico in spring 2009, was a wild thing but a…Sheila M. BirdApril 22, 2020
What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectively Archive What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectivelyPhoto by Markus Spiske on UnsplashLanguage is powerful, and how we use it subconsciously shapes…Narcyz GhineaApril 9, 2020
Does New York City really have as many rats as people? Archive Does New York City really have as many rats as people?New York City’s rat problem is infamous. The media describes a metropolis under never-ending siege…Jonathan AuerbachOctober 10, 2014
Southwark Sapphire Unit – the worst rape statistics ever? Archive Southwark Sapphire Unit – the worst rape statistics ever?Rape is probably the most under-reported crime that there is, for all sorts of understandable…Julian ChampkinFebruary 28, 2013