Vaccine rollouts, school testing and contact tracing could all be improved – here’s how Archive Vaccine rollouts, school testing and contact tracing could all be improved – here’s howPhoto by Steven Cornfield on UnsplashA bitter lesson of the past month is that viruses…Sylvia RichardsonFebruary 8, 2021
Returning to schools and universities in the time of coronavirus: some statistical suggestions Archive Returning to schools and universities in the time of coronavirus: some statistical suggestionsPupils returned to school in England, Wales and Northern Ireland after the summer break mainly…Giovanni Sebastiani and Julian StanderOctober 7, 2020
Comparing and assessing Covid-19 tests Archive Comparing and assessing Covid-19 testsImage created by Russell TateThis article explores what people mean when they talk about testing…Nathan GreenMay 19, 2020
The many definitions of a Covid-19 death toll Archive The many definitions of a Covid-19 death tollPhoto by Dan Burton on UnsplashThis note considers the different measures of the death toll…Simon BriscoeMay 13, 2020
Now more than ever, African governments need reliable data Archive Now more than ever, African governments need reliable dataCommunity surveillance in times of Covid-19: A TB Reach health worker in Tanzania visits a…Sandra Alba, Christina Mergenthaler and Roland KielmanApril 30, 2020
Visualising the pandemic: interviews with data journalists covering Covid-19 Archive Visualising the pandemic: interviews with data journalists covering Covid-19Photo by Brian McGowan on UnsplashIn many parts of the world, the outcome of the…Andrew GarthwaiteApril 21, 2020
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Italian mobility Archive The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Italian mobilityPhoto by David T on UnsplashThe pandemic of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) triggered by the SARS-CoV-2…Francesco Finazzi and Alessandro FassòApril 16, 2020
A statistician’s guide to coronavirus numbers Archive A statistician’s guide to coronavirus numbersPhoto by Isaac Quesada on UnsplashThe Royal Statistical Society’s Statistical Ambassadors have collated an essential…RSS Statistical AmbassadorsApril 9, 2020
Why we need more coronavirus tests than we think Archive Why we need more coronavirus tests than we thinkPhoto by Vincent Ghilione on UnsplashIn the US, President Trump has said that testing for…James J. CochranApril 9, 2020
How many people are infected with Covid-19? Archive How many people are infected with Covid-19?Photo by Zhang Kenny on UnsplashIn order to answer the most pressing questions we have…Tarak ShahApril 9, 2020
How do epidemiologists know how many people will get Covid-19? Archive How do epidemiologists know how many people will get Covid-19?How many people are infected now with the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2? How many will be…Patrick BallApril 9, 2020
What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectively Archive What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectivelyPhoto by Markus Spiske on UnsplashLanguage is powerful, and how we use it subconsciously shapes…Narcyz GhineaApril 9, 2020
A World War II investigation, updated for the modern era News A World War II investigation, updated for the modern era© IWM ( FLM 2000)"In the early morning of 13 June 1944, one week after…Brian TarranOctober 9, 2019
LGBT+ resources for statisticians and data scientists Archive LGBT+ resources for statisticians and data scientistsPhoto by Steve Johnson on UnsplashIn professional and classroom settings, we strive to communicate the…DonnaMay 30, 2019
Past winners and finalists of the Significance/YSS writing competition Archive Past winners and finalists of the Significance/YSS writing competitionIf you are thinking of entering our annual writing competition for early-career statisticians, we recommend…Brian TarranJanuary 10, 2019
Still running against the odds: revisiting the London Marathon ballot Archive Still running against the odds: revisiting the London Marathon ballotMonday 15 October had a lot of people eagerly awaiting the postman to deliver the…Anthony HatswellOctober 29, 2018
You can trust the polls in 2018, if you read them carefully Archive You can trust the polls in 2018, if you read them carefullyOn the morning of 8 November 2016, many Americans went to bed confident that Hillary…Josh Pasek and Michael TraugottSeptember 27, 2018
A time to kill: Great British serial killers Archive A time to kill: Great British serial killers"Serial killer" is a term customarily used to refer to a person who has murdered…Charlotte Moragh Jones-ToddDecember 19, 2017
Should we worry that half of Americans trust their gut to tell them what’s true? Archive Should we worry that half of Americans trust their gut to tell them what’s true?Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’ll bet that’s true,” before you had all the…R. Kelly GarrettOctober 2, 2017
Visualising regional data using the geofacet R package Archive Visualising regional data using the geofacet R packageSpatial data make an enormous contribution to our understanding of the world. They allow us to…Stella Cangelosi, Luciana Dalla Valle and Julian StanderAugust 25, 2017