Probability puzzle: Higher or lower? Archive Probability puzzle: Higher or lower?Once upon a time, Play Your Cards Right was a popular Australian and British TV…Michael FletcherAugust 11, 2021
Higher pay, lower income: the National Living Wage and benefit cuts Archive Higher pay, lower income: the National Living Wage and benefit cutsThe introduction of a “National Living Wage (NLW)” at the beginning of this month marks…Donald HirschApril 19, 2016
Is social segregation rising across English universities? Archive Is social segregation rising across English universities?As a reader pointed out last week Nick Clegg's son is going to the London…Andrew McCullochMarch 27, 2013
Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools? Archive Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools?News reports indicate that British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will send his eldest son to a top comprehensive school…Andrew McCullochMarch 19, 2013
The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death rates Archive The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death ratesThe public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire National Health Service Trust again raises the question…Andrew McCullochFebruary 11, 2013
RPI versus CPI: what’s the difference? Why does it matter? Will it make you poorer or richer? Archive RPI versus CPI: what’s the difference? Why does it matter? Will it make you poorer or richer?The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is topping the headlines in all the UK media…Julian ChampkinJanuary 10, 2013
Public sector versus private sector – which really pays more? Archive Public sector versus private sector – which really pays more?One of the top news stories of this week has been the publication of findings…Claire PackhamJuly 7, 2011