Has the hot hand effect finally been proven? Archive Has the hot hand effect finally been proven?A popular belief among sportswriters and broadcasters says that a team that's been successful, should…Phil BirnbaumAugust 3, 2015
The hot hand effect gets hot again Archive The hot hand effect gets hot againWhen statisticians make an appearance in the press or popular culture they are often portrayed…Stephanie KovalchikMarch 18, 2014
Statistical tests: beads for furs? Archive Statistical tests: beads for furs?You have no doubt heard the legend about the Native American tribe being seduced by…Altea Lorenzo-ArribasAugust 16, 2013
Bernoulli and the foundations of statistics: can you correct a 300-year-old error? Archive Bernoulli and the foundations of statistics: can you correct a 300-year-old error?Ars Conjectandi is not a book that non-statisticians will have heard of, nor one that…Julian ChampkinJune 10, 2013
Kenya, Elections and violence: beating Swords into shillings? Archive Kenya, Elections and violence: beating Swords into shillings?Kenya has been having elections. The results were announced on Saturday. Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's richest…Julian ChampkinMarch 11, 2013