Betting on a royal birth: how many babies will be born the same day? Archive Betting on a royal birth: how many babies will be born the same day?On 4 September 2017, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – better known as “William…Shomoita Alam and James HanleyFebruary 22, 2018
What is the most popular birthday in England and Wales? Archive What is the most popular birthday in England and Wales?The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) recently published an analysis of live births from…Mario Cortina Borja and Peter MartinMarch 3, 2017
How sharp was the decline in live births in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communist regimes? Archive How sharp was the decline in live births in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communist regimes?December 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist…Jekaterina Kremneva, Angie Wade and Mario Cortina BorjaDecember 16, 2016
Ask a statistician: A variation of the birthday problem, part 2 Archive Ask a statistician: A variation of the birthday problem, part 2Our latest 'Ask a statistician' question received not one but two different solutions. We published…Brian TarranDecember 14, 2016