Michael Gove’s values and British social attitudes Archive Michael Gove’s values and British social attitudesMichael Gove recently argued that schools should do more to promote 'British values'. In social…Andrew McCullochJuly 1, 2014
How to measure democracy Archive How to measure democracyThe European elections on Thursday might not arouse much excitement among the general public but…Andrew McCullochMay 21, 2014
Can you raise young people’s aspirations to go to university? Archive Can you raise young people’s aspirations to go to university?Earlier this month the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in the UK published the…Andrew McCullochApril 22, 2014
Where’s a teenager when you need one? Archive Where’s a teenager when you need one?Over the last 10 years or so, universities in England have been working in a…Andrew McCullochApril 15, 2014
Classifying Higher Education Institutions Archive Classifying Higher Education InstitutionsA few weeks ago ('Is social segregation rising across English universities?') we looked at how…Andrew McCullochApril 12, 2013
Is social segregation rising across English universities? Archive Is social segregation rising across English universities?As a reader pointed out last week Nick Clegg's son is going to the London…Andrew McCullochMarch 27, 2013
Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools? Archive Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools?News reports indicate that British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will send his eldest son to a top comprehensive school…Andrew McCullochMarch 19, 2013
This cold weather: a good reason to have a flu jab Archive This cold weather: a good reason to have a flu jabRecently we noted here that there is a strong seasonal pattern in mortality in England…Andrew McCullochFebruary 27, 2013
The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death rates Archive The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death ratesThe public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire National Health Service Trust again raises the question…Andrew McCullochFebruary 11, 2013
What killed William Henry Harrison? Archive What killed William Henry Harrison?I listened to David Cannadine on Radio 4 a few weeks ago telling the story…Andrew McCullochFebruary 6, 2013
George Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration Archive George Ravenstein’s Laws of MigrationAt New Year, I was reminded of how much heated argument can be generated when…Andrew McCullochJanuary 21, 2013
The Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill and its historical precedent Archive The Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill and its historical precedentI paid close attention to the debate in the House of Commons yesterday when the…Andrew McCullochJanuary 9, 2013
Does it rain in Manchester? Archive Does it rain in Manchester?The Scottish poet, WD Cocker (1882 - 1970) is best known for 'The Deluge', a…Andrew McCullochAugust 2, 2012
An analytical look at religious background and residential segregation in Belfast Archive An analytical look at religious background and residential segregation in BelfastI was in Belfast, Northern Ireland, just before Christmas. It was the first time I had visited…Andrew McCullochJanuary 9, 2012