How ideas from decision theory can help guide our actions Archive How ideas from decision theory can help guide our actionsPhoto by Jan Genge on UnsplashThe UK is currently experiencing an infection wave following the…Sylvia Richardson and David SpiegelhalterAugust 11, 2021
Is ‘you know who’ dead? Predicting the future in Game of Thrones Archive Is ‘you know who’ dead? Predicting the future in Game of ThronesCredit: narrative cliff-hanger is a fiendish device – ramping up drama and tension only…Richard ValeApril 21, 2016
Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue preview News Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue previewIn a 2010 New York Times column, mathematician John Allen Paulos wrote about stories and…Brian TarranAugust 12, 2015
The hot hand effect gets hot again Archive The hot hand effect gets hot againWhen statisticians make an appearance in the press or popular culture they are often portrayed…Stephanie KovalchikMarch 18, 2014
Deciding abortions by the toss of a coin? Archive Deciding abortions by the toss of a coin?I was recently listening to public radio one morning. I live in the U.S. and…Michael A. LewisJuly 3, 2013
George Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration Archive George Ravenstein’s Laws of MigrationAt New Year, I was reminded of how much heated argument can be generated when…Andrew McCullochJanuary 21, 2013