Controlling the spread of coronavirus via repeat testing and isolation Archive Controlling the spread of coronavirus via repeat testing and isolationPhoto by Jakayla Toney on UnsplashWhat to do about Covid? With nearly 60 million cases…Joseph T. Chang and Edward H. KaplanNovember 25, 2020
Returning to schools and universities in the time of coronavirus: some statistical suggestions Archive Returning to schools and universities in the time of coronavirus: some statistical suggestionsPupils returned to school in England, Wales and Northern Ireland after the summer break mainly…Giovanni Sebastiani and Julian StanderOctober 7, 2020
Applying “zones of influence” to social distancing in schools Archive Applying “zones of influence” to social distancing in schoolsPhoto by LOGAN WEAVER on UnsplashSocial distancing is important in controlling the spread of Covid-19. This…Glenna NightingaleJuly 10, 2020
LGBT+ resources for statisticians and data scientists Archive LGBT+ resources for statisticians and data scientistsPhoto by Steve Johnson on UnsplashIn professional and classroom settings, we strive to communicate the…DonnaMay 30, 2019
Voodoo polls are bad news: here’s how to spot and stop them Archive Voodoo polls are bad news: here’s how to spot and stop them"Over a third of students ‘no longer wish to study medicine’ amid the junior doctors’…Robert FordJanuary 20, 2016
Statistics bootcamp: estimating pi with R and Buffon’s needle Statistics bootcamp: estimating pi with R and Buffon’s needleCreative applications of statistics abound in virtually every discipline. But coming up with tangible examples…Eric WikaDecember 15, 2014
George Box, (1919-2013): a wit, a kind man and a statistician Archive George Box, (1919-2013): a wit, a kind man and a statistician‘Essentially all models are wrong, but some are useful’. That quotation comes from George Box,…Julian ChampkinApril 4, 2013
Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools? Archive Why do government ministers send their kids to private schools?News reports indicate that British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will send his eldest son to a top comprehensive school…Andrew McCullochMarch 19, 2013