Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue preview News Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue previewIn a 2010 New York Times column, mathematician John Allen Paulos wrote about stories and…Brian TarranAugust 12, 2015
Shortlist announced for Young Statisticians Writing Competition News Shortlist announced for Young Statisticians Writing CompetitionIt's been another year of strong submissions for the Young Statisticians Writing Competition - our…Brian TarranJuly 14, 2015
Making mistakes, minimising error – June 2015 issue preview News Making mistakes, minimising error – June 2015 issue previewThere are many opportunities for us to make wrong decisions in life – whether it…Brian TarranJune 16, 2015
Popularity contests and predictions – April 2015 issue preview News Popularity contests and predictions – April 2015 issue previewWe are heading for a general election here in the UK, which means the news…Brian TarranApril 15, 2015
Are long exams impeding the progress of Western civilisation? February issue preview News Are long exams impeding the progress of Western civilisation? February issue previewFor many of us, exams are unavoidable. Whether for school or work, we're expected to…Brian TarranFebruary 4, 2015
Opening the archives: a significant development News Opening the archives: a significant developmentSignificance was launched in March 2004 with a clear remit: to demonstrate the importance of…Brian TarranJanuary 28, 2015
Our top ten ‘most read’ of 2014 News Our top ten ‘most read’ of 2014The Significance team is about the head home for the Christmas holidays - but we…Brian TarranDecember 22, 2014
Meteorites, dark matter and statistics – December issue preview News Meteorites, dark matter and statistics – December issue previewWhat are the chances of a deadly meteor strike? It's a question that has concerned…Brian TarranDecember 3, 2014
Nowhere to hide? – October issue preview News Nowhere to hide? – October issue previewShared and open data promise to create big opportunities for business, science and society -…Brian TarranOctober 6, 2014
The birthday problem: lessons in probability from the magazine archive News The birthday problem: lessons in probability from the magazine archiveNot long after joining Significance, having taken up residence in the Royal Statistical Society's (RSS)…Brian TarranSeptember 18, 2014
The winner of the Young Statisticians Writing Competition 2014 is announced News The winner of the Young Statisticians Writing Competition 2014 is announcedThe winner of the Young Statisticians Writing Competition, jointly organised by Significance and the Young…Brian TarranSeptember 3, 2014
Was Titanic sailing in a year of increased ice risk? – July issue preview News Was Titanic sailing in a year of increased ice risk? – July issue preview102 years on from the sinking of the Titanic, the tragedy that befell the ship,…Brian TarranJuly 21, 2014
Refereeing the abusers of statistics News Refereeing the abusers of statisticsStatistics being used to conveniently back-up a certain point of view or simply quoting false…Oz FlanaganAugust 14, 2013