The World Cup forecast: let’s go all the way! Archive The World Cup forecast: let’s go all the way!This is (maybe) the final post in the series dedicated to the prediction of the…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJuly 8, 2014
The World Cup forecast: the final eight Archive The World Cup forecast: the final eightWe're now down to 8 teams left in the World Cup. Interestingly, despite a pretty…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJuly 4, 2014
The World Cup forecast: the final sixteen Archive The World Cup forecast: the final sixteenNow that the group stage is finished. We needed a few tweaks to the simulation…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJune 30, 2014
The World Cup forecast: how do things look 17 games in? Archive The World Cup forecast: how do things look 17 games in?Yesterday was the end of round one for the group stage − this means that…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJune 18, 2014
The World Cup forecast: group winners and the tight games to watch out for Archive The World Cup forecast: group winners and the tight games to watch out forThis is the first follow up to our previous (slightly technical and detailed) post on…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJune 11, 2014
If Bayes was sitting on Copacabana beach… Archive If Bayes was sitting on Copacabana beach…This is the first post of a fairly regular series dedicated to the impending FIFA…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoJune 11, 2014
Is the UK shunned at Eurovision? Archive Is the UK shunned at Eurovision?It’s that time of the year again. One of the biggest events in Europe’s (and…Gianluca Baio & Marta BlangiardoMay 8, 2014