Lethality of Covid-19 in Great Britain over 12 registration weeks Archive Lethality of Covid-19 in Great Britain over 12 registration weeksPhoto by Colin D on UnsplashExcess deaths – the number of those dying above the…Sheila M. Bird and Bent NielsenAugust 4, 2020
Undercounting mortality in the Covid-19 pandemic Archive Undercounting mortality in the Covid-19 pandemicPhoto by Edwin Hooper on UnsplashThis comment concerns the most common reasons mortality has been…B. Piedad UrdinolaJuly 10, 2020
What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectively Archive What to make of the coronavirus “mortality rate”? Communicating risk effectivelyPhoto by Markus Spiske on UnsplashLanguage is powerful, and how we use it subconsciously shapes…Narcyz GhineaApril 9, 2020
Misunderstanding the global burden of alcohol Archive Misunderstanding the global burden of alcoholHarmful alcohol consumption is known to cause several diseases and many deaths. A study published…Kari PoikolainenNovember 19, 2018
Chilcot, part 2: How Tony Blair fumbled Iraq’s child mortality statistics Archive Chilcot, part 2: How Tony Blair fumbled Iraq’s child mortality statisticsAt a dramatic moment in Tony Blair’s testimony before the Iraq Inquiry back in 2010,…Michael SpagatJuly 14, 2016
This cold weather: a good reason to have a flu jab Archive This cold weather: a good reason to have a flu jabRecently we noted here that there is a strong seasonal pattern in mortality in England…Andrew McCullochFebruary 27, 2013
The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death rates Archive The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry and hospital death ratesThe public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire National Health Service Trust again raises the question…Andrew McCullochFebruary 11, 2013