Plastic bag charge: Measuring success Archive Plastic bag charge: Measuring successIn recent years, countries have passed legislation to charge shoppers for each new plastic bag…Ronan McAdamOctober 10, 2017
The value of an Oscar, and the science of sequels Archive The value of an Oscar, and the science of sequelsThe annual Academy Awards ceremony take place this Sunday, 26 February. Nominees for one of…Robert Langkjær-BainFebruary 22, 2017
Ask a statistician: What is the calorific cost of McDonald’s revenue growth? Archive Ask a statistician: What is the calorific cost of McDonald’s revenue growth?Robin Bray-Hurren, a calligrapher and printmaker from South London, asks: "In order for McDonald’s to…Brian TarranMarch 1, 2016
Mind the gap: the digital divide and digital inclusion Archive Mind the gap: the digital divide and digital inclusionInternet use is transforming almost every aspect of our public, private and work life. More…David HirstSeptember 15, 2015
Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue preview News Stories and statistics – August 2015 issue previewIn a 2010 New York Times column, mathematician John Allen Paulos wrote about stories and…Brian TarranAugust 12, 2015
It could be you? Perhaps, but lottery success just got more complicated Archive It could be you? Perhaps, but lottery success just got more complicatedFans of watching balls spin around had something to ponder yesterday as the UK's National…Michael WallaceJune 17, 2015
Premier League managers: who deserved the sack and who didn’t? Archive Premier League managers: who deserved the sack and who didn’t?Aston Villa's Paul Lambert is the latest English Premier League manager to be fired, and…Oz FlanaganFebruary 16, 2015
Is prostitution really worth £5.7 billion a year? Archive Is prostitution really worth £5.7 billion a year?The EU has demanded rapid payment of £1.7 billion from the UK because our economy…David SpiegelhalterOctober 27, 2014
What’s behind the awesome rise of Twitter? Archive What’s behind the awesome rise of Twitter?After Twitter was successfully floated on the New York Stock Exchange this November, its share…Oz FlanaganNovember 18, 2013
Protests in Egypt: how many are out on the streets? Archive Protests in Egypt: how many are out on the streets?The street protests going on in Egypt this month have been claimed as the biggest…Julian ChampkinJuly 17, 2013
Fireballs falling to Earth: Part 3 Archive Fireballs falling to Earth: Part 3The subject of today's article is impact risk and concludes the three-part series looking at…Jordi PratsMarch 28, 2013
Big numbers, and big debts Archive Big numbers, and big debtsNot long ago, on the PBS program “NewsHour”, I was listening to David Brooks, Op-Ed…Alan PenmanOctober 24, 2011
May(un)fair? Your chances of winning at McDonald’s Monopoly Archive May(un)fair? Your chances of winning at McDonald’s MonopolyMcDonald's are once again running their Monopoly promotion, where along with your food you can…Michael WallaceApril 19, 2011