R book review: Two approaches to learning data science Archive R book review: Two approaches to learning data scienceIn 2012, the Harvard Business Review declared data scientist “the sexiest job of the 21st…Jordi PratsAugust 21, 2018
Is ‘you know who’ dead? Predicting the future in Game of Thrones Archive Is ‘you know who’ dead? Predicting the future in Game of ThronesCredit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/umairadeeb/The narrative cliff-hanger is a fiendish device – ramping up drama and tension only…Richard ValeApril 21, 2016
The music that is better than itself Archive The music that is better than itselfIn the 1930s, Pitirim A. Sorokin and J.W. Boldyreff conducted the most interesting experiment1. They…Mikhail SimkinOctober 28, 2013