Statisticians and journalists: uneasy bedfellows, vital partners Archive Statisticians and journalists: uneasy bedfellows, vital partnersStatisticians and journalists would seem to make for uneasy bedfellows. Kevin McConway, professor of applied…Brian TarranSeptember 2, 2014
Home owners: what’s your SPF? Archive Home owners: what’s your SPF?Home owners will be familiar with the wide array of security devices available to secure…Brian TarranSeptember 2, 2014
How statistics lent a hand after the Boston Marathon bombing Archive How statistics lent a hand after the Boston Marathon bombingI had the pleasure of travelling to Boston, Massachusetts, earlier this month to attend the…Brian TarranAugust 27, 2014
Was Titanic sailing in a year of increased ice risk? – July issue preview News Was Titanic sailing in a year of increased ice risk? – July issue preview102 years on from the sinking of the Titanic, the tragedy that befell the ship,…Brian TarranJuly 21, 2014