Yellow fever experiments, and early informed consent Archive Yellow fever experiments, and early informed consentIn the June 2020 issue of Significance, we tell the story of medical researchers in the…Ronald D. Fricker, Jr and Steven E. RigdonMay 6, 2020
Adam Kashlak wins 2016 Young Statisticians Writing Competition News Adam Kashlak wins 2016 Young Statisticians Writing CompetitionAdam Kashlak of the University of Cambridge has won the 2016 Young Statisticians Writing Competition,…Brian TarranSeptember 8, 2016
150 years underground: Tube celebrates its sesquicentenary Archive 150 years underground: Tube celebrates its sesquicentenaryQueen Victoria was on the throne, Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of…Abdel KhairounJanuary 10, 2013