Puzzle: Non-transitive dice Archive Puzzle: Non-transitive diceConsider six dice, each with six numbers on them. The numbers 1 to 36 are…Michael FletcherJune 6, 2022
Puzzle: Oh no! Puncture! Archive Puzzle: Oh no! Puncture!Driving in France recently, I got a puncture in my tyre. I was 13 km…Michael FletcherApril 20, 2022
Probability puzzle: How many balls in the bag? Archive Probability puzzle: How many balls in the bag?Last week our village had a fête. One of the competitions on offer was to…Michael FletcherFebruary 14, 2022
Significance puzzles News Significance puzzlesA list of "Probability puzzles" published in Significance. Problems are featured online and in print.…Brian TarranJanuary 17, 2022
Probability puzzle: Classroom bingo Archive Probability puzzle: Classroom bingoPhoto by CDC on UnsplashA primary schoolteacher is playing a game with her class. She…Michael FletcherDecember 13, 2021
Probability puzzle: A certain bet Archive Probability puzzle: A certain betPhoto by Sandro Schuh on UnsplashFor fans of the England soccer team, this summer’s European…Michael FletcherOctober 18, 2021
Probability puzzle: Higher or lower? Archive Probability puzzle: Higher or lower?Once upon a time, Play Your Cards Right was a popular Australian and British TV…Michael FletcherAugust 11, 2021
Ian McEwan sinks his Sweet Tooth into The Monty Hall Problem Archive Ian McEwan sinks his Sweet Tooth into The Monty Hall ProblemDuring one of their Brighton rendezvouses, after a round of oysters and a second bottle…Stephanie KovalchikJanuary 8, 2013