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Opioids in the USA: Summary statistics

By September 11, 2019February 16th, 2024No Comments

Editor’s note: This table is published as supplementary material to the article “Opioids in the USA: Disparities in addiction and incarceration”, which appears on page 6 of our October 2019 issue.


TABLE 1 Summary statistics on demographics, opioid use, and opioid treatment by race categories, 2014. Source: CDC WONDER.

 US population
Opioid related deaths
Opioid related death rate per 100,000Opioid related addiction treatment center admissions
Arrests among opioid related addiction treatment center patients
Black or African American12.2%8.3%5.24.2%2.9%
American Indian or Alaska Native*0.8%1.2%7.41.6%2.0%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander**0.2%  0.3%0.2%
Other single race4.6%  4.4%3.2%
Two or more races*** 5.6%  1.2%1.4%

*Created from the TEDSA data by combining American Indian and Alaska Native groups.
**Created from the TEDSA data by combining Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and Asian or Pacific Islander groups.
***Combines census estimates for all categories including more than one race, such as two or more races and three or more races.
✝All missing data was removed from all data sets.